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  • 首页 > 资讯 > 简单易学的英语单词记忆方法,你get了吗?


    2019-06-28 第一时尚网










        今天就让我们《Living English》栏目的“安竹”老师


        Andrew W. Jenkins 来自美国费城,曾就读于Howard University 和 Temple University 。就读期间他曾修习法语、文学、歌剧演唱等学科。2018年一月Andrew移居中国并就职于EF英孚教育。在此之前他在美国的高中任职法语与英语教师。业余时间,他喜欢阅读、唱歌剧、专研《哈利波特》。



        试图通过死记硬背来学习单词真的很难。 这种方法有两个问题。 首先,你可能正在从中文翻译成英文。要真正掌握一门语言,你必须不是翻译,而要专注于概念。 Trying to learn words by rote is really difficult. There are two things wrong with this approach. The first is that you are probably translating from Chinese to English. To really master a language, you must, instead of translating, focus on concepts.

        举个栗子,Cat这个单词,不要想,猫=cat,而是想想猫和cat这两个词都意味着一种毛茸茸、咕噜咕噜叫的动物。然后当你想象一只猫时,你会想到两个词,而不是一个你要翻译成英语的中文词。 到时候,你会毫无困难地用英语思考。

        For example, instead of thinking, 猫 = cat, think of 猫 and cat both being words that mean a furry animal that purrs. Then when you picture a cat, you'll think of both words, not the Chinese word that you have to translate into English. In time, you'll be thinking in English with no trouble.

        第二个问题是你没有联系上下文去理解。 如果你不去练习和使用他们,那天天查看单词表也毫无意义。所以,尝试学习可以在厨房或办公室使用的单词,看看是否有办法在英语会话中实际使用它们。 记住语言的唯一方法就是使用它!这样,很快你就会用好单词,并且记住它们!

        The second problem is that you are not learning things in context. Looking at a list of words is pointless if you don't have any way to practice and use them. Try learning words for use in a kitchen or office, and see if there's a way to actually use them in an English conversation. The o nly way to remember language is to use it! You'll be using words well, and remembering them, in no time!



        提高英语口语和书面语的唯一方法就是说和写! 熟的确能生巧! 找一个可以练习英语的人,即使他们不是一个强有力的演讲者。通过与他人交谈,即使他们的语言水平低于你,你的英语口语也会提高。

        The o nly way to improve spoken and written English is to speak and write! Practice really does make perfect. Find someone who you can practice English with, even if they are not a strong speaker. By talking to others, your oral English will improve, even if they're o n a lower level than you.

        对于提升书面英语,请试着写日记。 每天写作会很有帮助。 当然,尽可能多地获得纯正的英语输入。

        For your written English, try keeping a journal. Writing everyday will be helpful. And of course, keep getting authentic English input as often as possible.





        Remember that every mistake you make is a chance to improve!



        英孚教育成立于1965年,是一家全球教育培训公司,以“教育,让世界无界”为企业使命。英孚教育专注于语言培训、出国留学游学、旅游、学位课程和文化交流等项目,在全球各地有诸多中心和办事处,并拥有优质在线英语学习基地English Live。英孚教育致力于长足扎根中国市场,曾担任2008年北京奥运会语言培训服务提供商。自1988年以来,英孚已经支持服务六届奥运会,包括2018年平昌冬季奥运会和即将要举行的2020年东京奥运会。英孚还发布了全球英语熟练度报告, 该报告打破了地域限制,在全球范围内测试了不同国家成人的英语能力。(转自:EF英孚教育口袋英语)

